Thread: Reopen economy
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Old 05-16-2020, 01:39 PM
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Originally Posted by DarkSideMoon View Post
For someone on a pilot forum, your comprehension of risk management is pretty poor. You’re never going to reach 0 risk, but this is not an airborne virus, it requires aerosol transmission. Aerosols that don’t spread well outdoors or over long distances. Unless someone is coughing down your chimney, or you’re leaving the house or living with someone that does, you’re not likely to catch it at home. That’s a huge risk mitigation. If you get your groceries delivered, and take steps to sanitize it when it comes in, your risk is basically zero. I guarantee you if you look at the cases from people who “stayed at home”, most of them either live with people that didn’t stay at home or regularly went out for groceries or other essentials.

Old people are able to work, should we just kill off social security and Medicare too? I mean, if they become too sick to be effective workers they should just die and stop dragging our society down right? Are you currently working for an airline that took CARES money? If so I hope you’re returning your paycheck to the taxpayers. My dad has paid into the system his entire life, he shouldn’t have to be exposed to that level of risk to save a few bucks on unemployment.
Yes. Please get rid of social security and Medicare. Your dad's money is his problem not mine. Unless he wants to share it with me?

Still ignoring the hospital admits in New York statistic? All those folks were at home.

The old 'poor comprehension' argument. Blah blah blah. My judgment has been at least 70% of FAA standards! The lawyers that graduate at the bottom of their class? Lawyers.

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