Thread: 150,000 Americans Dead

tallpilot , 08-16-2020 08:54 AM
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Quote: Are you joking? It was 140% the average death rate in April.

Remember, it takes weeks to months for the CDC to verify and tabulate deaths. There's some lag so the most recent weeks will be incomplete. But this has not been an average spring and summer. Stop trying to pretend otherwise.
I’m confused. I see a flat to declining trend in deaths, especially compared with April and early May. That indicates to me that treatment protocols are getting better and people with serious comorbitities are either already dead or wisely limiting their chances of exposure. It isn’t sunshine and rainbows but it isn’t an extinction level event either.

The curve was flattened and system capacity is adequate to handle the inevitable increase in cases necessary to achieve herd immunity. This is about the best we can do with current technology.