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Old 08-21-2020, 08:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Seneca Pilot View Post
My point had little to do with the interstate commerce clause and much to do with the intrusion of the federal branches of government into states' rights. For anyone with any common sense to assert that some guy growing pot in his back yard for his own use will, in any way, affect interstate commerce is ludicrous. That does not stop the courts from inserting themselves into the case and asserting a broad interpretation of the commerce clause to achieve their goals.

I am not defending Trump except to the extent that he is respecting states' rights and being skewered for it. The court was also wrong in the Filburn case. It is a basic human right to grow ones own food. Do you believe the court was correct in Dred Scott, Buck vs Bell, Korematsu vs US, Plessy vs Ferguson, etc. The court does get it wrong from time to time.
There is no sense in arguing with hardcore statists. They worship at the altar of interfering with citizens lives (it's for your own good after all).
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