Thread: Wearing masks on the FD

The Good Life , 09-15-2020 05:40 AM
On Reserve
The Good Life
On Reserve
  • Joined APC
    Oct 2019
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Germany is having a very normal rhinovirus season. With mandatory masking in place since May, this should be impossible if the masks actually worked.

​​​The airlines are only doing it to CYA. And pushing away badly needed customers in the process. Both management and my union are well aware of my views. Both shrug and say, "we can't do anything about it now." They've gone all in on the masking with no end game.

Meanwhile employees are arguing with each other, employees are arguing with passengers, passengers are arguing with other passengers. Great fun. Flights are getting canceled or delayed. Every return to gate is gleefully reported by the media.

Fortunately I'm eligible for early retirement. Is this the hill I'm willing to die on? I'm starting to think so.