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Old 11-12-2020, 03:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Drum View Post
2016-2018 on the -88

Never used the p2p intercom on the -88 or the ER. -88 is gone anyway. Of course we used to hit CRZ on the TMP in the descent check that would eliminate the throttle burst at low altitude, they did away with that only to come back to it again, so yeah things change I guess

No one I have flown with in 2 years on the ER has used it in normal ops. A LCP would probably have something to say about the crew who did on your JS. They don't teach it on OE or TOE. Or support on Line Checks. Or in IQ, CQ. You had an outlier crew using the p2p intercom I'm afraid.

This has degenerated into absurdity anyway.

Rico gave me my answer.
First you say your aircraft has no interphone, then you say no-one uses it and that you'd get de-briefed by a LCA for using it? What's so bad about using the interphone? I never understood the whole resistance to using the interphone and instead yelling back and forth and missing half the things the other guy said. Granted I'm on the 737 not the 757, but ALL cockpits I've been in are loud enough to benefit from I/C use. Sure the 757 might not need it as much as a 737 or loud turboprop but that doesn't mean it won't still help to improve communications. I'm just glad the 737 fleet has finally come around to using the interphone (95%+ use it).

Originally Posted by Drum View Post
Yup. It's all in FAR Part 60. that deals with all the various levels of simulators (from CPTs to Level D) and the certification requirements for each. It is some really dry reading, but it is PDF so you can search. Of course the FAA can certify what they want. So there is always a "waiver" or something involved.
Sure they might be certified that way but who wants to sit in the sim and listen to loud wind noise when you could just turn the volume down?

Also, had CQ in Sept. and we wore masks in the training center, took them off in the briefing room, on again in the halls, and off during the actual sim. So no big deal.
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