Thread: 12% Raise
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Old 11-18-2020, 07:15 AM
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Originally Posted by LumberJack View Post
Very interesting, thanks for the summary.

Also, never say never. What did they say in Inception? An idea is the most powerful tool?

I believe the first step in all of this is finding a way to remove money from politics. Turn it into an actual service position, a sacrifice, rather than an ego stroking power trip. I truly believe most get into it for the right reasons, and end up corrupted, grudgingly corrupted, or disgusted to the point of quitting.
Congress has a two year term specifically so that there would be rapid turnover and they would be answerable to the people. Actually live in their districts, use the same stores, schools, health plans all their constituents were forced to endure. Travel to DC to conduct business in congress but remain local. That's why it used to be called govt "service". I believe the only way to make govt the most responsible is to make even office subject to two terms. The military learned long ago that moving people around allows them to grow and also disallows them to create empires impervious to change and new ideas.
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