Thread: WB B vs NB A

Drum , 05-02-2021 06:19 PM
  • Joined APC
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Quote: Sorry, I supposed I had to add. Tired of playing the game to make more money. I’ll probably will use my get out of jail card next year and get that A position.

Also have in mind:

1. I commute to NYC320B, even at 30% I haven’t been able to get commutable trips both ends since late 2018. I was able to get early start/early finish (almost non existent now)
2. I can’t get LCA trips all the time. When I get some, maybe only 1 tríp gets dropped.
3. We keep getting more 4 legs a day.
4. I don’t want to keep playing games picking up GS.
5. Swapping trips is almost non existent in my current category.
6. Dropping trips is almost non existent, there’s no coverage.

I’ll play the game this summer and make money. But I’m looking forward to at least give it a try. I’m heading to 330B and will be around 80%.

Now, I sound like Drum. Lol!!! I just want to give it a try.