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Old 06-14-2021, 06:44 AM
Perennial Reserve
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Originally Posted by rickair7777 View Post

Occam's razor. Humanity has been subject to epidemics and pandemics for hundreds of thousands of years, and essentially all of it came from nature.
And for what percentage of those hundreds of thousands of years have scientists actually been experimenting with viruses in laboratories? I mean, one can scarcely Occam’s razor those years when viral laboratories did not even exist, can you? That would be akin to saying the Apollo astronauts couldn’t have walked on the moon because in the hundreds of thousands of years before, no one had ever walked on the moon. If you are using Occam’s razor on a technical issue, you need to use only a timeframe when the technology existed to make the thing possible.

So do you want to base your historical data on way back in 14 May, 1796 when Edward Jenner started playing with smallpox (and we know there have been multiple inadvertent releases of smallpox from laboratories and far more inadvertent spread of Vaccinia)? Or the 1880s when Pasteur was playing with rabies? Or even more recently when a lab error at the Cutter laboratories led to 40,000 cases of polio - with 200 kids paralyzed and 10 deaths? Or the SARS lab caused deaths the Chinese actually admit to?

I think if you use Occam’s razor with an appropriate timeframe it points directly TO the Wuhan lab. How many other laboratories with known and well documented deficiencies in their containment systems were actually playing with COVID-related viruses?
Whether it was inadvertent release of a natural virus under study or inadvertent release of an artificially modified (gain of function) virus remains to be seen, as does whether it will ever be provable either way.
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