Thread: NetJets instrument times

heckler , 03-03-2008 02:43 PM
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Boy, I didn't mean to stir up a storm on this and there seems time a similar split on opinions everywhere else I look. One of the uncertainties deals with my question and that is why I would like to know NJA's take on this. I would rather under report than over report, but under reporting in this case can end up in me not even getting considered. Can someone who works there, like NJA Capt, please confirm the company's take on this?

In researching this I have seen all sorts of answers and there are some that I definitely understand to be certain. A SIC cannot log a landing or approach unless he is the one manipulating the controls.

On the SIC instrument time question there has been a split. Some have said that logging instrument time is when that person is the one actually doing the flying, which up to now has been my take. Others have said that an SIC on an aircraft requiring two pilots, acting as pilot not flying, is required for the operation of the aircraft and therefore is "operating" that aircraft or contributing to the operation of it. While he is in the aircraft acting as Pilot not Flying in instrument conditions the aircraft is being operated by sole reference to instruments and the Pilot not Flying should be paying attention to what's going on by looking at his instruments and logging actual instrument would be no different than logging night time. People have produced documentation and interpretations for both and probably as far as the FAA is concerned you could "get away" with either as long as you were consistent. Getting away with it isn't as much my concern here as playing by NJA's "rules."