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Old 04-08-2022, 07:53 AM
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Joined APC: Dec 2015
Posts: 36

Originally Posted by SlimBob View Post
The reason I came to Spirit would die if the BOD decides to take the cash with B6. NK/F9 allows our blended family to be disfunctional together. Already B6 pilots are showing they have a chip on their shoulder where I see their company sailing with no port in mind.
I don't like BF but I think his days are numbered. F9 sweetens the offer (more cash and one of the board seats) and we move in together.
Here's to hoping they are just going through the fiduciary motions and that B6 goes away.
The reasons you came to NK are going to die if we don't get and retain pilots. Period. We cannot only hire our way out of this attrition, we need to retain. If you're that worried about a B6 merger, I'd advise to get out now and start accruing seniority at one of the Big3. Good luck! We're all going to need it one way or the other.

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