Thread: 11/18/1978
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Old 06-17-2022, 03:43 PM
Joined APC: Jun 2022
Posts: 23
Default 11/18/1978

Jim Jones was known for being the leader of the Peoples Temple, a cult that settled in Georgetown, Guyana. Jones told his followers he was the Messiah, the Savior. Jone’s followers believed he was God, listening to every word and following every command. The media and the FBI were onto Jones, making him paranoid and fearful of losing power.

On November 18th, 1978, Jim Jones told his followers to drink cyanide infused Kool-aid. His followers believed paradise awaited as they sipped the laced substance. Within minutes, their cells became deprived of oxygen, killing them. 918 people died believing they were being sent to paradise.

Prior to drinking the kool-aid, life at the compound was tough. Men were tasked with physical labor. Women are beaten, and forced to endure unspeakable acts. Meanwhile, the Messiah was enjoying his heroin, something that was considered a delicacy in the 1970s. Addiction to drugs and power drove Jones into madness.

A thought shared…

Does this story sound familiar? It should. Pilots are being forced into labor, sleeping on hotel floors. Approximately half the pilots on property are drinking the kool-aid, which is slowly depriving them of oxygen. Radical Russ is feeding his followers propaganda, promising them the holy grail of paradise, a spot at Delta Air Lines.

We need to help our fellow brothers and sisters see the light, and come to realization the paradise being promised does not exist.

Ask yourself, would you follow Jim Jones into the dark?
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