Thread: TSA ?'s
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Old 03-24-2008, 08:27 AM
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Originally Posted by PittsburghDude View Post
whats up guys, anybody from TSA or that knows anything about them i got a couple questions:

1. Hows your QOL? Cool people to work with? Schedules tolerable?

2. About how long after you submit resume do they give ya call?

Any info's appreciated, thanks fella's.

QOL depends on - do you live in base, or do you commute. If you commute it might be a little rough at the beginning, but it will get better as you climb up the ladder.

Very nice pilot group to fly with. You will hear people say Trans States captains B!tch alot, but in the last year those group of pilots have moved on to their dream jobs or somewhere else. So no crying from Captain that 9/11 and Hulas messed their life up.

I came in at the perfect time when I did, so my schedule is perfect. If you live in base (STL) the schedule works great. But remember, when you are new it will not be sweet as Apple-Pie.

I could not tell you how long it is taking to get call back for interviews. It depends.

My personal View: Take it for what it's worth!!!!

Trans States Airlines is no SkyWest, ExpressJet or AWAC for that matter. I might not make $12,000 more than the guy at Mesa. We do not have commuter clause that allows me to call in 2 or 3 times a year because I couldn't get myself to work. My works rules and duty rigs sucks so bad I cannot sleep at night. The owner of my airline formed gojet, next year he might startup another one called CHEAP A!SS JET to fly the 170's. I heard rumor that in June 2008, my paycheck is going to bounce. There are many thing I could find that will make it hate my job, but I just show up do my job and go home. I did my research, I compared Apples and Oranges and I made my choice. One man's ex-wife is another man's future wife.

I am not telling you to come to Trans States. I prefer if you do not come, but go to ExpressJet and Skywest and AWAC for that matter. Maybe, if everyone stops coming to Trans States Airlines, the company might work harder to get us every contract with Good Duty rigs, Commuter Clause etc.

I know we are not liked by other regionals because we are draging down the industry. My personal view is RJ's are dragging down the industry. Research! Research!! Research!!! Do what is right for you.
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