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Old 08-08-2022, 02:34 PM
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Joined APC: May 2022
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Originally Posted by oldmako View Post
Let's be honest, the union delivered a giant turd in this TA and the blowback from the pilots has been severe. I suspect that it caught the Toddlers completely off guard. You're just here for damage control and PR. This is exactly what happened after the Covid TA. You jump me for not offering solutions, well I am not an elected Union guy and I never wished to be. I'm just a line slob who spent the bulk of my UA career near the bottom of the list. What solutions have you offered, did I miss them? It appears to me that you're just here to point out how ignorant the rest of us are. Guess what FNG's.....This is exactly what happened during the rollout of the Covid TA. The MECs Damage Control Unit went into high gear and they quickly mobilized. They put guys on here (and the other forum) to harangue anyone who disliked the agreement. And when they couldn't silence them, they had them kicked off the forum! It's also happening on the new forum where one guy responds to EVERY (negative TA) POST with ridicule and derision. Does he offer solutions? No, he just demeans the guy who just posted something negative. Criticism will not be tolerated.Folks, THIS IS YOUR UNION today. Dissent from the line pukes will not be tolerated. They're more interested in getting along with SK and getting Todd elected than taking care of the rank and file. They think a few band-aids and a few bucks ought to placate you and please SK. This woefully inadequate TA is proof of that. If anyone is damaging the career, it is the guys who came up with this TA.

The union told me for years that we'd "get it back". And I'm such a sucker that I believed them! Your assertion that I am just a bomb tosser is accurate. Every forum needs a few in my view. After all, it's MY opinion. But suggesting that I intend to harm the company or my profession is laughable and a huge pile of crap. I LOVED being a UA pilot! UA was my No 1 choice. But I expected my union to fight for and to improve our contract! Especially after the rectal-ream, we took during Bankruptcy and the loss of the pensions. I for one am SICK of seeing things from the company's point of view. Did you read my post about almost a decade of sub 90K W2's? Yeah, silly me, I wanted my union to wrestle every last dime they could out of UA. What a sap.

Loved the line about my views being a "career right-seaters take". One of the moderators here contacted me recently to let me know I was being "doxxed" so I guess you did your homework. Congrats. So, should everyone on this forum just assume that any opinions by FOs in your view are invalid? You just impugned half the guys at the airline. Got it. My previous employment allowed me to rack up ten years as 121 PIC, thank you. But FAR more importantly, the pin on my tie, my furlough, and the dues/ALPA PAC dollars I paid gives me (and every other MIGS) the right to point out my opinion of this TA. You'd just rather point out your disgust with me.

You guys have bigger problems than me. Why not work on them?

Honestly, your version would be very convenient, but if you search through my posts it doesn’t even come close. Most of my posts have attempted to be much more civil and nuanced than the pile-on/circle jerk of no voters that is on here. I am not on any other United forums, this one occupies more of my time than I should, so I will have to take you at your word that the other forums are heavy-handed in the other direction.

I have started threads with the intent to find the parts of the TA that were actual improvements, and hone in on the most insidious parts of our negotiating committee’s PR spin on the bad stuff. I learned a lot from people on here, who are more imaginative than me and we able to construct scenarios where new provisions would probably be abused by the company.

As far as being doxxed, that sucks and I hope it’s not true. That said, anyone who has been on this forum for any length of time, has read your previous posts and you openly state the positions you’ve held. Give me your hobbies, and unique riding style, I cannot imagine it would be very hard for people who flow with you to identify your profile. On public internet forums, you can either go fully open and disclose who you are, or keep it anonymous. The gray area sort of has the worst of both worlds.

Whatever it’s worth, I think you are most likely an incredibly interesting person and obviously very smart, but the persona that exists in “old mako” is the definition of a pundit. Better to be clever and well liked, than nuanced or correct. It’s not that you “tell it like it is,” you “tell it how people like to hear it.” Anyone who doesn’t see this as a problem, clearly hasn’t found the correlation between cable news, social media and our bizarre ability in this country to magically fall into two rigid camps that are somehow able to connect green technology with abortion rights.
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