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Old 10-28-2022, 09:24 AM
That Guy 74
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Posts: 138

Originally Posted by hummingbear View Post
This is an excellent example of the sunk cost fallacy. We’ve already wasted 3 years for this NC to utterly fail & brand it as a success. The solution then is to give them more time to finish the job? Those 3 years are gone either way. Better to mark them up to a loss than to waste another 3 making the same mistake.

Voting to approve that nonsense then “rep-splaining” to me why I don’t want my wages to keep up with inflation was enough evidence to me that they are not up to the task. Is the road smooth ahead? No. Does that mean we necessarily stick with the status quo? Also no.

These guys don’t need to stick around to finish the job. They need to get out of the way so someone else can do it right.

Initially I did get a bit emotional after reading through the redline Tumi TA and saying 'WTF' more times than I could count. Then logic, reason, and critical thinking kicked in and emotion was put in check.

Yes, we were done wrong by the NC and MEC. That needs to be sense in trusting those who already screwed up to 'fix' what was offered that only gets us back to what's on the books already.

Do I think we need to hold out for 50% and reinstatement of a defined pension plan? Absolutely not. It's not reasonable to think we're going to make that kind of jump from where we are.

However, we can and will do better than the Tumi TA. To think that the individuals who already wasted so much time and tried to sell us cow pie in the end game would then somehow wind up working on behalf of the pilots they were supposed to be representing in the first place is foolhardy.

To the individuals who keep saying we can't discount the time factor of money, you are a point. If the money we eventually get is completely offset by the work rules they were going to implement and quality of life suffers dramatically (I believe it would have with the reserve & reassignment crap in thr Tumi TA), NO amount of money now would have made up for the pain of concessionary work rules going forward.

Last thought....I still can't wrap my head around an MEC/NC who thought reducing 1st day reserve by 4 hours would be 'schedule with safety.' Colgan Air flight 3407 (and many others) ring a bell?
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