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Old 04-03-2008, 12:11 PM
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Originally Posted by SkyHigh View Post
People often believe what they want to and not as how things really are. [SkyHigh

gotta be honest here... if it weren't for SKYHIGH, everything would be sugar coated in these forums... we're all full of encouragement to one another, and all full of pats on the backs, hardly ever do i hear the "hard to swallow" unless SKYHIGH jumps in...

I'm not even over 100 dual given yet, and i'm already lookin for a back up plan... It never hurts to cover all your bases...

and we've all heard before "don't put all your eggs in one basket", but sometimes it takes some guts to step out on a limb and take a risk,

Don't tell me "what if" never pops into your minds!!!
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