Thread: Checkride Failures

dckozak's Avatar
dckozak , 06-16-2023 09:41 AM
done, gone skiing
done, gone skiing
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The basic message here (true for all things in life, good and bad) is don't try to blame others, especially when not owning up just looks like you can't accept your part in something that's gone a miss. That's not to say you don't have a good case, it's just that no one is going to judge you (positively) or convince them of your totally infallibly in a documented failure. As others will attest, a check ride failure is not a career ender or show stopper to flying. Many, many pilots have failed check rides and moved on and up. Own it and more importantly, dissect it, be self critical, learn how to avoid it in the future. When you need to explain it, as others have already said, explain and admit were you went wrong and how you learned from it. Anything else will sound like sour grapes and the perceived lack of personal accountability, will be worse than the offense.