Thread: 7 year SWA pilot

Lewbronski , 07-15-2023 08:40 PM
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Quote: I have officially submitted my app to a Legacy competitor. Never thought this day would come. It’s not an offer yet, but I need to take this step. There was nothing earth shatteringly surprising in the last Negotiation Update, but I see who I’m dealing with. It’s either astonishingly incompetent, or this company has terminal rot in its bones. I just don’t want it anymore.

I feel ya. I’m spending nearly every waking minute working on my side hustle so that I can generate enough income to not need this place anymore. I’ve been over it for a very long time. I should’ve listened to my gut and left before I’d hit V1, but I gaslit myself into staying and that was quite a while ago. I’ve known this place was a sh**show since before the end of my first year.