Thread: Eat your young
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Old 08-23-2023, 04:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Swedepilut View Post

The same thing they did to all of us- refusing to pay inflation age wages. Crank it up to pay up. Do everything within our legal power to crank it up. They will not pay what we are asking until it is cheaper to pay us what we are asking or risk letting the company bleed out more than we are asking. This is what got us contracts in 05, 15, and 18. They did not pay out what they did because they wanted to. They paid out because they had to. So far there isn't enough pressure to have to. As more pilots get on the angry train, that will change. If they just surface negotiate as they come to the table again, the angry train will get longer at an even faster speed than before. I'm kind of hoping for that because I don't believe we are anywhere near the pressure level to force the big improvements that the majority are seeking.
How are they refusing to pay you? They're paying you what you agreed to. So, now that someone else got a larger piece of chicken, you act like 5 year Olds and cry found because life isn't fair? You chased the last contract and greed will not win out. "They have the money, they will give us that money" ok, says WHO? The palace keeper? The man whose kids call him "President" to stroke the ego. When he's ousted, he will probably quit. Just like every "leader" who doesn't listen and makes terrible mistakes against the advisement of his board and his lead negotiators. How's section 6 tactics working out for you during an interest based session or whatever you call it? Rumor has it, the billboards are going to start targeting the BH Board of Directors. Even crack heads don't stoop this low. Geez, your blind faith has lead you down a path of incompetence following the musings of a tainted leader. He only knows one playbook. I was taking to another NJ guy in the terminal last week. He said the longer this drags it the higher his price is? Seriously? What a joke. Maybe when you get serious and stop chasing Delta wages for a 7/7 phenom driver, maybe you'll get somewhere. The fact of the matter is, you're blinded by greed. They pick the 1 delta 350 captain who made 500k to base what you should ask for. Maybe when you get realistic and on the same planet, and actually negotiate in this galaxy, you'll get somewhere. PL has lead you astray just as he did before at his previous airline. All the while taking your dues and blowing it on his personal vendetta. When it doesn't work, he will throw the usual people under the bus and walk right over them. He's no leader. Leaders don't lead by fear and intimidation. I bet if you have a normal opinion that happens to go against the king, you're sent to the brig. Labeled with a scarlet L. Is that real leadership? Elections have consequences. I hate seeing a good place burned to the ground. I've got many many friends there. It's hard to watch.
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