Thread: Eat your young
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Old 08-23-2023, 05:52 AM
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Joined APC: Mar 2017
Posts: 453

Originally Posted by JMO127 View Post

Good Lord, there is so much crap in this post it’s hard to nail it down. Apparently, despite not working for us, you are angry at our union President. Who, btw, has done nothing but follow the wishes of this pilot group. I know this b/c we have taken multiple surveys regarding pay, QOL, how aggressive the union should be, and the general perception of the union and company.
Pedro is following the pilot group’s desires.

As far as wanting more… of course we want more! Do you think Corporations and share-holders are the only ones allowed to want more? It makes sense to me that labor should get a piece of the pie, since we MADE THE PIE! AA Pilots are getting a 46% increase in pay in their new TA… I think that’s great!

You, on the other hand, apparently think pilots should never ask for more. Sorry AA pilots, I know DL and UA pilots are poaching your pilots and your contract is falling further and further behind in pay and QOL, but JMO127 doesn’t believe pilots should ask for more. Don’t be “blinded by greed”.
Not what I said. But asking for 400k for a 52 day schedule is a bit outlandish. Don't you think? Regardless of how many times you fly the global into ASE. Want more work more. Same way at the airlines.
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