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Old 08-25-2023, 10:10 PM
Line Holder
Joined APC: Apr 2018
Posts: 69

Originally Posted by expatpilot View Post
Notes from the Union meeting at the AOC today.

- The NMB owns us until a contract is signed. They want quantifiable data of why the TA was rejected, which hopefully the results of the phone survey are sufficient to start the process. Web survey would be used to determine priorities in fixing TA or totally starting over.
- Web survey questions will be formed off phone survey results.
- The NMB also wants to see stabilized union leadership. And we must have reasonable requests. If we remain destabilized and/or want to start over from scratch, we will be very low priority for the NMB.
- Starting over could reasonably take 3 years, based on TA1’s timeline.
- United and AA were not in mediation when they got their new TA’s. Downside to us being in mediation is being on the NMB’s timeline.
- Can’t stream union meetings in the AOC due to company policy.
- Work is proceeding on MOU’s outside Section 6 to include medical freedoms.
- The content of many emails to former block 8 rep were shameful and disappointing.
- Email your LEC reps and ask for regular updates via virtual meetings.
- There is no house cleaning going on. Only 2 committee members removed. Can’t disclose why they were removed because of ALPA policy.
- Added a 36 year old pilot to the NC and a block 8 pilot to the R&I committee. Both qualified and experienced.
- Union has 20+ committees that could use your expertise as a volunteer.
- Travel MOU ends Sep 3. Union is challenging the company over this. Union believed banks should stay as they are until the company can get expense reports under control. Non-contractual but still willing to fight for it.
- R24 early assignment and late ASBY creation are not a change in status quo as company is operating within the confinements of CBA. They could always do this, they just chose not to.
- Keep submitting DARTs on suspected contract violations.
- International scope is a valid concern of pilots but unenforceable per the RLA.
- 2 pilots required in the cockpit should be a concern for future scope.
Basically you guys are screwed. Start over or tweak, it’s bad either way, especially because the NMB will see barely over 50% rejected the TA. Ugly situation either way.
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