Thread: Living abroad and sched?

SgtV , 09-09-2023 02:17 PM
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Quote: There are tax prep companies that specialize in doing FEIE for airline crewmembers who live abroad. Wouldn't say "Nope" so categorically.
If you have a physical presence in the US over that specified in the FEIE criteria you do not qualify. If your place of business (your base) is in the US or one of its territories, then the criteria for bona-fide resident is not met either. The old “tax home” argument has been rejected over and over by the IRS. As a former DoD contractor that utilized the 2555 for years I can say ‘nope’ categorically rather easily on this one. Making the assumption that some tax professional knows all of the ins and outs about the FEIE is naive. Plenty of tax pros have been cited/jailed for things like this. Use at your own risk.