Thread: DALPA Pay raise
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Old 02-21-2024, 09:58 AM
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Originally Posted by 170Till5 View Post
year 12 WB captain would make $579K crediting 108 hours/month.. this doesn’t seem like “volunteering” if they can easily make more than a line pilot with from the comfort of their home.. I sure hope they would pick up the phone, it’s taking away from people who actually want to do good and some people will go there to just collect the pay and not do sh****… just like congress..

again, checks and balance. Let the pilots vote. This is just coming off as corrupt
1. NOONE who works for ALPA volunteers their time for free. The euphemism “volunteer” is only used because people “raise their hand” to help - they don’t bid for it - but it is, and afaik always has been compensated.

2. ZERO people are making 108 working from home. Frankly, that’s a lie to even say any full-time folks are working from home. You know better. It is mandatory 18 days, minimum in the ALPA office on Hartsfield Center Pkwy for the full time folks, and they can’t pickup above that. Besides, the total number of people marking 108 is like 20ish, and over half of them are paid by the company, not our dues.

3. Have you ever been a “volunteer”? Or asked enough questions of people who are to actually understand how things work there? Not saying there aren’t some bad apples on occasion, but do you have the first clue how much work these people do for you?

4. You can be against this change, that’s fine. But k is what you are even talking about and don’t use garbage arguments.

Last edited by FangsF15; 02-21-2024 at 10:41 AM.
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