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Old 06-10-2008, 11:02 AM
usmc-sgt's Avatar
Joined APC: Jun 2006
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For us it was 2 weeks for indoc, 4 weeks at flight safety and than a 3 day trip for IOE.

I had LARGE breaks in between. I had 7 days off after indoc because of thanksgiving and then took my checkride on Dec 20th and flew my first IOE flight on the 4th of Feb. From others I have talked to it is more or less straight through with the only possible break just being between your checkride and when IOE starts and that is up to the needs of the man.

You will NOT get any travel benefits during training. From what I understand though although you will not be CASS you still may be able to jumpseat in the back but I dont even think CJC puts you in the system until after IOE so the gate agents wont even be able to find you and it will be more trouble than it is worth.
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