Thread: UAL MEC Response to UAX letter

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Moose Surgeon , 07-03-2008 08:17 AM
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Moose Surgeon
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Ok I know it is not exacaly the same, however, US Airways has a similar priority system. The main line person (pilot, fa, maint) all have priority over anyone else on someone elses aircraft. Similar to the UA/UAX issue. However, when you get to the gate you let them know that you are with the airline operating the flght. IE CHQ, AWA, or CJC and you get on first. The gate agents take care of the computer glitch. The do this just about everytime on there own with out large amounts of bickerin. However, on occasion when something goes SNAFU you call scheduling and get the Captain cell # give him/her a hollar and explain the situation. Problem solved for now.