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Old 08-15-2008, 03:34 PM
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Joined APC: Apr 2008
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Originally Posted by Hawaii50 View Post
No problem. I never thought we were saving a dying carrier. You guys would have done fine without the merger as would we have. There's really no right or wrong answer here except that you should be in relatively the same circumstances as you are now when all is said and done, in my opinion. If you the max you can hold now is 767 Capt you shouldn't expect to be a 747 Capt after the SLI. If your seniority holds DC-9 Capt now you shouldn't expect to be a 767 Capt post-merger. Of course opinions are like you know what on this. Everyone has one, but in the end the only ones that matter will be the three arbitrators.
I actually agree, but I say that as an old guy who probably won't suffer long course training again.

As you know, the only way you move up in this business is for someone above you to die or retire. In a pure relative seniority SLI, we will have guys younger than you senior to you........hence no movement. Also, I agree, you guys get whacked with DOH.

So, what is the answer? Got me and the merger committies too. Welcome to arbritration, and god help us. I can't wait to live with the decision of three guys who aren't airline pilots nor have to live with the results of their decision. I still resolve to never discuss it with a post merger new hire........been there done that and it's really boring .

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