Thread: FDX: How many pilots are going past 60

Jetjok , 08-20-2008 09:16 AM
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Guys (Underdog, Toccata, & Aircum),

My feelings on this whole thing are well known here. The problem I have with guys saying stuff like "its personal greed" or "it depends on their situation" is that regardless of their situation (which was the whole point of my previous post), they have a right to stay and continue to work until they, by law, are forced to leave a window seat. As I've said all along, guys should retire when they reach 25 years of company service or at age 60, whichever comes last. However, if someone can afford to retire earlier, than that's a benefit to those remaining. If they can't, that's life, and the rest of us should be able to understand that, without having to know each guys personal "situation."

Now as for this small band of brothers, within the overall larger band of brothers, "that have a unplanned for and relatively unexpected benefit, or windfall, said unexpected benefit/windfall is completely optional to take. Choosing to take it will have a direct negative affect and impact on the expectations and plannings of another class of 'brothers' in the 'brotherhood'.", I hope, Toccata, that you're only talking about guys who were over 60 when the rule changed, and are now back at a window seat. Because if you're not, than you're actually talking about possibly everyone presently on the property, who will have to make that decision sometime between now and the future.

And finally Underdog: 1) I'm not going to "blow a gasket" over this, because as most guys here know, I'm in a very unique situation, that at present is working out just fine; and 2) Your mere asking of the question "at what point do you think the threshold of greed has been crossed", insinuates (at least to me) that you feel that threshold has indeed been crossed. If you didn't mean your question as I've interpreted, than please accept my apology.

And I still look forward to someone answering the 5 questions I posted previously.