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Old 08-25-2008, 01:08 PM
Line Holder
Joined APC: Jan 2007
Posts: 55

I have been contemplating whether or not to tell my GLA interview story.....I've been so ticked off about it!!!!
Last week, I flew from the east coast out to Denver, changed at the airport, took the shuttle over to the Red Lion and told the very nice lady who collected my log book etc that I was two hours early, because that was the best flight I could get. She said they could probably fit me in early which was a blessing because I did not have to stay the night in Denver and actually got home the same night!!! Anyway, now for the "not so nice" lady who introduced herself to me and who I believe is just an HR person, not a pilot, but I'm not really sure of her title. She and I went into another room where she introduced me to the other guy(nice pilot) who would also be interviewing me. Ok, first of all this lady is so not a people person. Of all of the ludicrous questions she asked me.....She asked me about my driving record of which in the last five years I had one ticket for disobeying a traffic signal. I explained to her that I was on my way home from work, got off on an unfamiliar exit to get gas at 2am and made a left turn where there was a "no left turn" sign but it was so dark I could not see it. So she asks me "Did you learn anything from this?" Come on, what is this lady some kind of nut case. I have no DUis, no criminal record, already work for an airline, blah blah blah. Besides the fact that she is a total b*****, her last question was "why should we NOT hire you?" Who asks that kind of a question. I felt like saying........"it sure has been hard to quite that cocaine habit, at least AA sure has worked well so far, I've been sober for 5 days now and the attempted murder charges against me were finally dropped for lack of sufficient evidence"!!! She is on a total power trip, GLA should be ashamed to have her represent them. If I could go back I would have told her to "kiss my a**, thanks for being such a b****, good luck getting anyone want to work here with YOU!!!!!!!
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