Thread: FDX-PDO Bump

Bamaboy , 08-27-2008 09:14 AM
On Reserve
On Reserve
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Quote: If you guys had seen the trip and had an understanding of the situation, you'd understand. Now, having had my defensive moment, I agree with you. If I had been trying to grab a HNL trip with a 48 hour layover I certainly wouldn't have done it without his permission. But this is an ugly trip.
Ranger, no matter how ugly something may seem, beauty is in the eye of the beholder (just ask any woman who's ever agreed to date me! ). I'm sure that 99% of the time (100% if you asked me) this would be a win/win. However, the bottom line is that no one should make a binding change to anyone else's schedule without their expressed approval, contractual exceptions obviously excluded.
