Old 09-26-2008, 09:18 AM
Che Guevara
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Hopeless. As you said I only post factual information. I thought that was the point? No I've never said I support it I've spoken against it and I've only spoken against managements decision on this. Regardless of my opinion on things BB has still done his job and done it well. RJET has yet to lose money and continually finds new flying. That's his job, that's what he's done, so yes he's done a good job. I'm not naive to see that.

The times you've corrected me about xjet, when I said branded was bad, the markets they were serving was bad, that the balance sheet didn't play out and they wouldn't be able to sustain operations for long. Yes you corrected me on all that. Apparently I was wrong and the company is doing great, making money, and branded is booming at the seems.

"No one is putting words on your mouth". I think you mean in but yes that's exactly what you've been doing since in every post of yours you seem to be telling me my opinion of things. How I'm supposedly in support of other pilots losing their jobs. That would point to you not taking the time to read my opinions on the matter. I've only spoken completely against it in every form and fashion. Your ignorance on that is not my fault.

I read every letter BB has sent and I've never seen him praise God for taking flying from XJT.

"The problem with you quoting sources is you fail to have an opinion of your own". That's the point of quoting sources. An opinion doesn't dissuade fact. I have plenty of opinions but they are backed by factual information unlike your rants. I'm drinking Kool-aid? I think not. Facts=Kool-aid?

"Either in favor of the transaction or you're not". I'm not. Get it through your head.

My "numerous posts" about XJT has never been in relation to the pilots. It was about XJT the company. You want to have an educated discussion then you need to see the difference. Like you said I post factual information substantiated by actual sources. I'm sorry that for some reason you see a link to a balance sheet of your company as trash talking. Considering the threads were started by others about the financial stability of the company I thought we were talking about the financial stability of the company. Not opinions of the pilot group. I believe I've only stated that I have the utmost respect for them and wish them the best. As you said I quote sources and for the most part don't form opinions. That alone should point to the fact that no cheap shots are taken. If you don't like something said in the news it's not my fault. Your post are contradictory to one another. You say I don't form opinions but then say I'm emotional. Sorry Francis but that's not the case. I'm done talking with you about it. I'm not into high school debate. I'm not making personal attacks. I'm making rebuttals. If you keep making these junk post every time someone mentions RAH with obvious disregard to the facts, it's not trash talking for pointing it out.
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