Thread: FDX - Nothing until after peek?

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1stCivDiv , 10-21-2008 02:38 PM
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Stop the hysteria talk...
Seriously, you guys keep talking about a furlough...They are not going to furlough. They would be kicking themselves in the teeth, because they would be furloughing most if not all the FO's they have been trolling for the last year and a half for HKG, not to mention half of the FO's in ANC.

Quit trying to create mass hysteria, I just flew with JS former ACP and he said no furloughs and no displacement bid, and probably a lot more crews per airplane with the 777 due to under/over 60 scheduling. Everyone knows the company runs secret practice bids, and most of the peeps where over 60 or going to be over 60 in a year were the ones who would have been awarded said bid, like upwards of 80%... So relax it's FedEx...LOL