Thread: Up and Out Policies: Upgrade

USMCFLYR , 10-26-2008 09:29 PM
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Quote: Loyalty should be a two-way street
C. Loyalty and extra efforts done for your company are never remembered or 'banked'. People remember, but they are often not in a position to affect a change. i.e. Scheduling may have like TW's efforts to move airplanes, but in a corporate sense, you are invisible and will never be rewarded.
I was having this very conversation with one of our reservists last week when discussing accepting a job with one company and then while waiting for training another company comes along and offers you a job. I said that I would have trouble leaving the one company because I would feel some loyalty to the company that hired me. He kind of laughed and told me that I was going to have to lose this loyalty issue that I have once I get out in the **real** world. He basically said that the loyalty mentioned above DOES NOT FLOW BOTH WAYS! Sad situation really.
