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Old 07-26-2006, 06:24 PM
Joined APC: Feb 2006
Posts: 781

Originally Posted by STILL GROUNDED
I work for Mesa and when trying to jumpseat I get asked all of the time if I work at Freedom, which is Bull****** because freedom is and has been ALPA for quite sometime.
How would they know if you worked at Freedom? Unless you are dumb enough to admit it. GoJet is by no means a dead end, I guarantee you a lot of those guys have sights on jobs other than pax flying. Int/Corp/Charter/Fractional community don't really care much what happens on the pax side. If you are willing to go through a little discrimination, then go for it. Gojet is said to have major growth and short upgrade times, just don't expect much when you look at other airlines for jobs.
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