Thread: Mesa Air Group Settles Aloha Lawsuit

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TurboFan , 12-01-2008 05:48 PM
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Quote: It is your fault that others are furloughed man! Mesa does ruin lives! As you say, we live in a capitalistic society. You're right! So for every dollar less per hour, fewer days off per month and harder you work for Mesa, you do undercut your fellow pilots that you 'oh so wish we could unite together'.
I can't believe that you can honestly think Mesa is the reason other pilots are being furloughed. You obvious distain for Mesa is seriously clouding your ability to see the big picture. I work harder and for less money than any other regional pilot? Do I have to copy and paste some of the payscales from this very web site to prove you wrong? Mesa pilots are not the highest paid in the industry, that's for sure, but we're far from the lowest. No question our CBA sucks and our QOL sucks because of it, but we're actively trying to change that right now. Don't get me wrong, I am not a Mesa fanboy by any means and don't agree with most of our managements decisions. I hope my time at Mesa is short lived, and in that time I hope to do my part via the union to improve QOL at Mesa and to take an active role in doing so.

Quote: When you jumpseat on other regionals, they are not going to tell you off to your face about who you work for. That would be unprofessional. What you don't see is what we are thinking.
What YOU are thinking maybe. Dude, I'm no spring chicken to this industry. I have many, many friends outside of Mesa and have done my share of jumpseating. I've yet to have someone say anything to me about how I am personally ruining their lives or destroying their QOL. Most of them are far too smart to say something ridiculous like that. Usually the experience ends in thanks and handshakes. I would be able to tell if I was jumpseating with someone like you that secretly hated me for the company I worked for, but they don't, and never have. Maybe I'll get the joy of jumpseating with you someday. Then I will finally get that experience you're so convinced I'm always having.

Quote: The undercutting Mesa pride of turbofan and paxhauler are so easy to see from the outside...
I have no "Mesa pride".

Quote: I guess its kind of like Stockholm syndrome. You feel bad for JO and think he is your savior.
Show me one post where I've said I feel bad for J.O. or that he is my "savior". This is just a flat out lie you've made up in an attempt to prove your point. Use facts to back up your arguments, not lies and unsubstantiated accusations.

Quote: If you don't believe me guys, just ask some ex-Aloha pilots who YOU put out of work.
Already done that. Two of them actually. Both were working for other carriers and jumpseated on my flights. We talked at length about it. I apologized for everything Mesa management had done and for their loss. They made it very clear that they didn't hold me responsible and we talked during the flight like civilized professionals and parted ways on great terms. They never once blamed ME personally for putting them out of work, it's just you that is doing that.

Quote: Continental was able to find other regional pilots who would work for less at Colgan and CHQ and therefore I was furloughed from my second year at ExpressJet. I was on pace to make over $45k my second year. I wonder if Colgan FOs are able to do that, while flying 74 seats?
I mean this in all seriousness. I suggest you take a business class. It sounds like the foundation to your whole argument is the lack of your understanding of modern capitalism. There is always going to be someone willing to do the job for cheaper. That's how capitalism works buddy.