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Old 12-22-2008, 05:25 PM
B7ER Guy
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Originally Posted by Carl Spackler View Post
To all my new Delta brethren:

I've known Ken Watts for over 25 years. He is one incredibly tough animal when it comes to defending what's in a contract - and he rarely loses a grievance. He's the kind of guy you will want in the new DALPA. Other than Ken, I wouldn't recommend a single former NWALPA guy to the new union.

Ken's the best contract admin/grievance chair we've ever had and he almost never submits a claim for missed trips due to ALPA work. He works his ass off for the membership, then flies a full schedule.

Think what you want, but I hate to see a really good man derided.

Well Carl.
I would love to believe you. But now, every time you write something I think of the following quote below posted by you.
I guess that makes you bizarro Carl.
Sorry, whatever you're selling, nobody's buying.

Originally Posted by Carl Spackler View Post
I'm publicly calling you out on this sailingfun. I think you are completely lying. I don't believe this incident ever happened and that you made it up completely because of your non-stop hatred of the NWA pilot group.

Every time any Captain HAS to deny a jumpseat to anyone, that captain has to fillout an Air Safety Report as to why the jumpseat was denied. I'll bet there hasn't been a single ASR for a jumpseat denial in the last year.

I would tell you to back up your claim sailingfun, but I know you can't. Just like most of your posts.
Is this your same imaginary friend that gives you those voices in your head? Even if this NWA person is real, and this person really said such a thing - why would you post it? What an utterly stupid thing to do.

If some Delta pinhead told me that Delta is a "culture of arrogance" or a "culture of bending over for management", etc., who would be stupid enough to post that? What good could it possibly do? You can't prove it, so why say something so divisive?

Oh I forgot, it's you sailingfun. I wouldn't/couldn't expect anything less.

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