Originally Posted by
Molon Labe
The last month I flew the 747 for a legacy I was gone 24/7 for 22 days and did that for 4 months in a row for 72 whopping hours of pay, my orthopod friends did a hell of a lot better than that. Better join Lil J' Seinfeld in the sell our selves short line.
Hmmm, I'm pretty sure that was your choice going to the 747. PBS can bite you on reserve, so it's a gamble. If you weren't on reserve, the only way you could do 22 days in a row is if you had two trips back to back(1 at the end of the bid period, 1 at the begining of the next) and even that's stretching it. Contractual min days off gets you 11 in a 30 day bid period. Most othropedic surgeons I've seen work 12+ hour days 6 days a week. Even with your previous schedule you were still getting more time off.