Thread: Frontier pilot claims Republic T/A in hand!

JeremiahWeed , 08-18-2009 06:04 AM
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Quote: I have heard because the Republic/Frontier transaction hasn't completed, that Frontier's pilots/company can sign any new contract, and that this was already ready to go. That this new contract effectively protects the pilots the same way the 51% ownership by someone else not requiring integration.
Rest assured if this is in fact truth, Republic will be burnt to the ground. However, it will be interesting to see as RAH's CBA should superseed any TA concerning integration once the purchase is complete. I wouldn't be a bit suprised if the Reverend and The Devil gave lip service to F9 with a TA they knew wouldn't stand up just to entice the F9 guys/gals enough to close the deal. Remember, RAH needed F9 to make the YX deal an easier pill to swallow.<---- My opinion.
