Thread: Watch and learn

Rightseat Ballast's Avatar
Rightseat Ballast , 08-28-2009 03:12 PM
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Rightseat Ballast
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  • Joined APC
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I just wanted to call everyone's attention to the cargo forums, specifically to the threads regarding the AmeriJet strike. There are many of us on this message board that were not in the industry during the last strike event. Please take the time to monitor the progress of the Amerijet strike, and lend your support when and how you can. I think we can all learn a lot from watching a strike unfold directly through the eyes of the pilots involved. Forums like this allow a less filtered version of the truth to be communicated to us in near real-time.

I also ask you to refrain from making unnecessary comments on the AmeriJet strike threads. This is their show. Ask questions, but please do not dilute their message or cheapen their struggle by bringing the normal message board animosity with you. Their struggle can help us all. A few of our companies may find themselves in self-help in the next few years, so this is important. Learn how the affected pilots deal with the situation, how scab pilots are tracked, how management tries to get you to cross a picket line, and how to communicate what work is considered "struck". Also, learn how outside pilots can contribute to the success and well being of those pilots who are foregoing pay and financial health in order to improve the industry for everyone.

I am obviously not an AmeriJet pilot, so I don't speak for them. But please watch closely, and let them speak for themselves.