Thread: The Europan experience....

⌐ AV8OR WANNABE , 08-31-2009 03:39 PM
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Quote: ... As others have said, if you don't like it, go home...

...In the meantime, try and do all of the rest of us open-minded Americans a favor, and not perpetuate the obnoxious, intolerant, and ethno-centric stereotype of the USA.
Do you really mean it? So an immigrant can only speak up when praising his host nation but the minute he/she complains - GO HOME!?

What was it you said about perpetuating "the obnoxious, intolerant, and ethno-centric stereotype of the USA"?

If he lives and works there legally, pays his taxes like the rest of his coworkers do I see no reason why he shouldn't be able to speak up whether we agree or disagree with his message...