Thread: Ups 400-

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Pharo351 , 10-25-2009 07:31 AM
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UPS does not want a furlough. It wants to keep all pilots on property or on call at home. Furlough = loss of control to UPS. We all know how un-acceptable loss of control is to UPS. Regardless of how over staffed we are UPS will keep all pilots on property.

Fact 1 Pilots pay-checks never sustained or built an airline or a package empire.

Fact 2 Pilots are a much larger capital investment than a mechanic, truck driver, or loader and cost too much money to lay-off, re-train, move etc. etc.

If you don't grasp these two above facts, then good luck to you. Maybe you should think about attending college.

Now resume sky is falling, sky is falling rant. Its all the same to me. As a low seniority F/O I’ll still be in the cafeteria eating tater-tots in 2011, 2012, 2013 regardless of MOU-2 , BM, or ATL.