Thread: FedEx deviation bank

Busboy , 10-31-2009 05:38 AM
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Quote: Thanks. Got it. Sick=no bank.

Sooooooo, if you get extended on a trip and as a result get put into substitution because the extended trip conflicted with your next trip, do you keep the bank on the dropped trip. According to previous posts, the answer is yes. True?
If you take the overage in lieu of the trip guarantee for the dropped trip...You don't get the dropped trip's bank.

example: you are extended 24hrs, in the field, and conflict(overlap) with a trip worth 6hrs that has a d/h on the end. If you take the "overage" for the extension, instead of the trip guarantee for the missed trip, you lose the d/h bank.

Of course, the overage would pay more than the trip guarantee. So, you'd have to do some math.

4.BB.5. If a trip's ACH exceed OSC or the trip is operationally extended past its original scheduled return time, a pilot shall earn overage CH computed as the higher of:

a. ACH minus the sum of OSC for the trip and SCH of any subsequent trip(s) removed with pay due to actual conflict;

b. trip rig computed for the time the extended trip conflicts with time the pilot was scheduled to be free from duty at base, if such time exceeds 2 hours.


4.BB.7. If a trip extends more than 2 hours into time scheduled free from duty at base, overage compensation for the first 12 CH shall be paid at 150% of the pilot's normal pay rate. If a pilot earns more than 12 CH of overage on a trip, the excess shall be paid at 200% of the pilot's normal pay rate.