Thread: CRW Overrun Transcript

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NoStep , 04-25-2010 05:05 AM
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Quote: Wow, this thread drift is truly pathetic.
Ha! I know...funny how some boneheads always turn it into a regional-vs.-major argument.

I'm glad to know some major/military pilots who respect the hell out of the tough job regional pilots do...multiple times a day in all conditions.

"USMCFlyer" posted an excellent point on a similar thread to extract the "who" from this learning experience and focus on the "what and why" (paraphrased).

Another learning example (a-la Sully & Skiles) might be the crew who aborted landing a few years ago because, if memory serves me, during the flair something didn't "feel" right even though all cockpit indications were normal, (their gear wasn't down/locked)...think it was an Am. Eagle ERJ crew?

Just reminds me that no matter how mind-numbingly routine the job can become, to fight complacency. You never know when you're going to have "That Day" in your aviation career...unless you're Tim Martins!