Thread: A reminder to all Spirit pilots...

Herkulesdrvr , 05-23-2010 03:19 PM
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Quote: Nope. He's dead on right. Have some respect for others? There is no greater disrespect than crossing your fellow pilots while they are walking the line and making HUGE personal sacrifices to get YOU a better contract. Funny, you don't see SCABS volunteering to give up the better pay and working conditions that the STRIKING pilots won for him/her, do you?

That's what happens when you SCAB. It's a well known consequence that every pilots is aware of when they make the selfish decision to cross. If you make the decision to SCAB, you will be treated like one.

From your screen name, I'm assuming you are a military pilot. You, of all people, should know that you don't screw your buddy while he's out there doing something to improve YOUR life.
First of all I said I would never scab. Second, we live in the USA not the USSR which means we are entitled to certain freedoms, one of them being freedom of speech. If you don't like others opinions then maybe your in the wrong place. If you had a family member that was sick don't sit there and act like your righteousness would put your job ahead of a wife or child. Don't be so selfish.