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Old 08-17-2010, 06:33 PM
Gets Weekends Off
Joined APC: Nov 2005
Posts: 397

The passport thing, So what would the company be expected to do in this situation? Guess what, unless things changed they would have directed the pilot or employee to the consulate or embassy. That is pretty much all they could do. Regarding your posts about FQS' not carrying their passports out of country. I will reply that is stupid. I was told that I didn't need to carry my passport a years back on business in Honduras. I left it in the safe in my room. Well I don't look like I'm from Honduras. I was asked for my passport and didn't have it with me. This was in a country that wasn't communist like China. I was detained and questioned until a co worker could retrieve my passport and bring it to the station. So if you you are in a foreign country especially like China, you are not very bright to go out without your passport.

Make three copies of everything before you leave. Make copies of your passport, travel itinerary and tickets, credit cards, driver's license, and any other important documents. Copy the back of everything, as well. This can make it easier for you to recover if any of your documents are stolen, but keep the copies in separate locations, and keep them safe. You can also consider making scans of your documents and e-mailing them as attachments to yourself to be printed when and if needed. You may be able to store your important documents in an online "safe" for more security.

Get the addresses and phone numbers of your country's embassy and any military bases (if applicable) before your arrival to the foreign country. For some countries, such as the USA and Australia, it is possible to register with a consulate online, ahead of travel. Once you have done this, if there arises any kind of natural disaster or military conflict, the consulate will know that you are in the country, which is the first step in being able to offer assistance.

Safeguard your room. Ask for a room that is not on the ground floor or near the elevator or fire stairs, as they tend to get thieved more often. Bring a rubber door wedge and put it under your door every night, just in case. If someone has a key or picks the lock, the rubber wedge will give you enough time to make a commotion and call for help. If you don't have a wedge, put the chair up against the door knob. Put a "do not disturb" sign on your door when you leave so that people think you're in there. Leave the TV on at a moderate volume so that people cannot tell if your room is occupied or not. Keep your valuables out of sight in a safe or in a not-so-obvious container (like a locked case or bag with TSA approved locks)
Carry your documents strategically. Do not place your credit cards, cash, ID cards, and passport all in the same place.

Keep cash and credit cards separate from ID cards and passports. By keeping things separated you eliminate the risk of having them all stolen.Always have some cash stashed away in a shoe, a hidden pocket, or in yet another shoe, in case you need immediate cash for taxi ride or something fast to eat. Do not carry too much cash, and never flash it all when you pay.If you have a wallet, wear it in your front pants pocket instead of in the back and your pocketbook close to the body. To be extra safe, prepare a mugger's wallet -- an inexpensive wallet with a small amount of real cash plus fake sample credit cards and IDs. Use this fake wallet in case you are mugged and have to give it up. Throw it towards them but aim for further than them. As they run to get the wallet, you have the chance to run the opposite way to get away from them. The muggers are more interested in the cash and won't take the time to examine the fake cards and IDs until later.

Never give your passport to a hotel clerk. Some countries have laws that require that hotels hold the passports of their guests (such as Italy, where handing over your passport overnight is usually perfectly safe). If you feel uncomfortable about parting with your documents, you can often get a certified copy of your passport information that you can substitute. You might also make a good quality photocopy of the main passport page and demand the hotel hold that instead.

Now back to the topic or insult me
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