Thread: FedEx wins ruling on contract drivers

golfandfly , 12-19-2010 01:39 PM
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I wish your friend luck on his opportunity at UPS. I hope we can get by without him.

"I too, believe in personal responsibility, but I also believe in corporate responsibility. If a company employs a person to fill a position within the organization, that person should not be denied status as an "employee" just because payroll and work assignments are channeled through a third-party or shell corporation. All these guys and gals are "asking for" as you put it, is that their efforts to make FedEx an excellent service provider be acknowledged by the parent corporation."

No, these "guys and gals" are asking the courts to force Fedex to make them employees. They are being acknowledged by getting paid for the work that they do. They were never offered employment. Fedex didn't beg these guys to take this work, they sought these positions. This is just another example of our entitled society....