Thread: DAL Contract Survey

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Carl Spackler , 02-24-2011 06:28 PM
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Carl Spackler
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Quote: Yep. That Bolshevik "me too" nonsense is completely irrelevant. Why don't we "me too" the percentage cuts including the percentage in retirement benefit reductions, adjust it all for inflation and apply that to the other groups? If we did that would all the class envy groups suddenly be wowed by that exact same logic they latch onto that would then prove they are insanely overpaid and need a massive paycut to achieve the "pilot parity" that so many want but have no clue as to what it means?

Whatever raise we get day one, it will be equal to or less than the cuts previously imposed adjusted for inflation (and probably not adjusted for inflation as well) especially when you include all the other things besides payrates that have been cut. So if we get a XX% "raise" on day one, just tell the Bolsheviks that we recieved a XX% restoration to apply towards our previous cuts but are still below the pre cut levels.

They can then compare the other group's pre cut levels to their current levels and I think it would be easy to prove that even after our "big raise" we are still farther below our pre BK past than any other group because pilots took the deepest cuts, by far, than anyone. A 50% cut requires a 100% increase to restore, PLUS the compounded inflationary headwind (and inflation DOES include food, fuel/energy...if it doesn't, try paying previously lower prices at the pump/grocery store today and see how fast you get laughed at and then arrested for theft if you don't immediately fix it).

So we can do the "me too" dance all night long. But its going to be danced under the disco ball of context on the dancefloor of perspective. No matter how large a "raise" we will get, it will be less of a perentage towards our restoration than any other group. We should have zero tolerance for such insane, illogical and unfair attempts to manage our expectations and to any extent that such intellectual bafoonery is directed at us (agressively or passively, directly or indirectly) it needs to immediately bouce back hard with the truth.
Excellent post!!!
