SWA vs AA (Pros/Cons)

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Quote: It’s a craps shoot
Sounds like SWA is way better

I’ll put a rec in for you
Quote: Sounds like SWA is way better

I’ll put a rec in for you
take note of how many AA pilots are leaving AA to go to SWA, then do it the other way around and compare
Quote: Sounds like SWA is way better

I’ll put a rec in for you
You haven’t stayed in the same job for more than 2 years. I’ve been at AA for 10 and a crap regional for 6 (owned by the same management team). I’m not selling any grass is greener, unicorn fantasy crap. I know this place is a gamble because I’ve been at the table for a long time. I guarantee Southwest beats our contract when they get one. So it really just comes down to, do you really hate the 737 that much to risk being stuck commuting out of base for 2 years?
Quote: take note of how many AA pilots are leaving AA to go to SWA, then do it the other way around and compare
Definitely a good point…although I haven’t seen many go to AA. Most have gone to Delta.
Quote: Definitely a good point…although I haven’t seen many go to AA. Most have gone to Delta.
Dont chase the “I want to say I work at Delta”. Things can always change. In decade this airline is better another decade will be another. If you live in AZ and you can be home based vs commuting there no question which to pick.

but everyone has their thing. I’d rather be 50% seniority in 8 years at AA vs 20 years at DL
Quote: Dont chase the “I want to say I work at Delta”. Things can always change. In decade this airline is better another decade will be another. If you live in AZ and you can be home based vs commuting there no question which to pick.

but everyone has their thing. I’d rather be 50% seniority in 8 years at AA vs 20 years at DL
Oh yea I wasn’t saying I’d go to Delta. No interest cause I don’t want to commute. Just saying a lot of the folks I know who have left SWA went to Delta. Reality is I’m not sure I’m committed to leaving SWA. The schedule flexibility is pretty awesome here and at the end of the day that means quality of life. But we will see…
Quote: Oh yea I wasn’t saying I’d go to Delta. No interest cause I don’t want to commute. Just saying a lot of the folks I know who have left SWA went to Delta. Reality is I’m not sure I’m committed to leaving SWA. The schedule flexibility is pretty awesome here and at the end of the day that means quality of life. But we will see…
Completely agree and look forward to seeing SWA score a home run.
Quote: Completely agree and look forward to seeing SWA score a home run.
Eye of the beholder. All SWA guys that I’ve flown with in AA they all say they like it here better. Make your decision based on what is best for you and you can’t go wrong.
Quote: Dont chase the “I want to say I work at Delta”. Things can always change. In decade this airline is better another decade will be another. If you live in AZ and you can be home based vs commuting there no question which to pick.

but everyone has their thing. I’d rather be 50% seniority in 8 years at AA vs 20 years at DL
Bold to assume Americans seniority list will be that large in 8 years
Quote: Bold to assume Americans seniority list will be that large in 8 years
bold to assume we’ll have 15K pilots in 8 years? Let’s say it isn’t, which means Delta probably neither, so again I’d rather be 60 or 70% in 8 years vs 15-20 years at DL.
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