FDX--Training letter changes

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As well, doesn't take into account that these guys could be making the company lots of money, by flying, instead of making the company NO money, by sitting in a classroom.
Is the scheduled freight getting moved? If these guys get back up front faster it means more guys get to sit at home on reserve on CA pay.

Let me think....

I bet the company would rather have the over 60 guys sitting in class at nominal cost than to have them or the other MD11 CAs sitting at home. By nominal cost I mean the flexes are still getting paid, LCAs are still getting paid and the sims are sitting in our bays waiting for trainees. Mostly the extra cost is to print the course material and electricity for the classroom lights

This isn't your father's FedEx anymore. We used to be adding planes and routes faster than the training department could handle, but not now. Look for the min BLG MD11 bidpacks soon.
Quote: Anyone notice the NDs that were scheduled to retrain on the 11 had their classes changed from the short course to the long course? Sorry FH, what was 2 weeks more in Memphis is now 3 months more. I guess the NDs can't remember enough to get them through in 2 weeks. The six month sim rides and line checks are going to be fun....
Are you sure about that? Requal still looked like under a month.
Quote: ND = Near Deads

A term of endearment for those pilots over Age 60 who continue to work/fly/sit reserve.
That is BRUTAL!! LMFAO...
Are there any ND's back up front, from an S/O position, yet?
I had MD-11 recurrent training last week. I asked if they had seen any of the diaper wearing, drooling, alzheimer's ridden group of pilots yet? They said the first one was in training right now but that he is a prior qualified MD-11 bubba and they don't expect he'll have any problems ...

I asked if they were expecting to have problems with the career analog airplane drivers who will be attempting a transition to "glass" for the first time? They said, "eh? What did you say?"

Now ... all kidding aside (the above ND jokes are meant in good fun), the sim instructor really did tell the f/o to speak up because we're about to have pilot's that "might not hear very well."

Eligibility for the Requal course is based not only on the airplane, but also the seat from which the pilot came. A pilot who had been an MD-11 Captain and trained as a Second Officer would have been eligible for the Requal course had he been coming back as a Captain. However, since he was coming back to the MD-11 as a First Officer, the FAA thought it was more appropriate to look back to the time since he was last an MD-11 First Officer. That perspective made him ineligible to accomplish the Requal Syllabus.

No need to bring up the fact that the differences between left seat and right seat training is trivial -- that's the view the Training Department took, too. As of this afternoon, the FAA's view on the matter takes precedence.

Back to BEFASST now.

Quote: Are you sure about that? Requal still looked like under a month.
They changed them back.

That is a sick, sick tease someone played on us.
No, it's not a tease. Me thinks that the guy who made the initial post misread the training letter. Talked to FH today and he said they hadn't changed his short course at all.
I looked when I read the 1st post, and he was right. They had been changed to full training cycles.

Now, they have been changed back.

I specifically looked at FH, and a few A300 dudes coming back. Must have been a temporary glitch while they fixed the guys Tony was talking about? Just a guess.
Must have been a temporary glitch while they fixed the guys Tony was talking about? Just a guess.

The guy I was talking about is in class with me, taking the full course. After a week of Requal, he "transferred" to the full course because of the situation I described. I would imagine the same will apply to any other former Captains who could only hold the right seat of their previous airplane. Ex-Captains going back to the LEFT seat should still be good, depending on the number of recurrent training events they've missed, with the brief Requal course.

Quote: The guy I was talking about is in class with me, taking the full course. After a week of Requal, he "transferred" to the full course because of the situation I described. I would imagine the same will apply to any other former Captains who could only hold the right seat of their previous airplane. Ex-Captains going back to the right seat should still be good, depending on the number of recurrent training events they've missed, with the brief Requal course.

Huh? I thought you said ex-captains going to the right seat had to take the full course?
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