FDX--Training letter changes

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Anyone notice the NDs that were scheduled to retrain on the 11 had their classes changed from the short course to the long course? Sorry FH, what was 2 weeks more in Memphis is now 3 months more. I guess the NDs can't remember enough to get them through in 2 weeks. The six month sim rides and line checks are going to be fun....
Quote: Anyone notice the NDs that were scheduled to retrain on the 11 had their classes changed from the short course to the long course? Sorry FH, what was 2 weeks more in Memphis is now 3 months more. I guess the NDs can't remember enough to get them through in 2 weeks. The six month sim rides and line checks are going to be fun....
That's the whole summer, spent in MEM. Man...What a bummer.

Are there any ND's back up front, from an S/O position, yet?
Quote: Anyone notice the NDs that were scheduled to retrain on the 11 had their classes changed from the short course to the long course? Sorry FH, what was 2 weeks more in Memphis is now 3 months more. I guess the NDs can't remember enough to get them through in 2 weeks. The six month sim rides and line checks are going to be fun....
Pure genius by the company.

Attn: ALL over 60's. Come and get your WB Frt seats! Step right up!

The line gets long. Few retire, they keep working at half pay, and no retirements get paid. Then...the company delays it after the fact. Smart.
Quote: Anyone notice the NDs that were scheduled to retrain on the 11 had their classes changed from the short course to the long course? Sorry FH, what was 2 weeks more in Memphis is now 3 months more. I guess the NDs can't remember enough to get them through in 2 weeks. The six month sim rides and line checks are going to be fun....
According to what I heard over at the school house, the FAA stepped in and said they had to go through the long course. Something about once you train off the jet you are no longer eligible for the short course upgrade. $.02 worth.
Good for the company too, means that their payrate doesn't increase quite as rapidly as it could have
response to post #2
Airbus Cap L.T. was flying IOE earlier this month. Don't know his current status.

What is a ND?
Quote: According to what I heard over at the school house, the FAA stepped in and said they had to go through the long course. Something about once you train off the jet you are no longer eligible for the short course upgrade. $.02 worth.
Don't tell that to the NWA guys who go from jet to jet, almost on a monthly basis, with only a very, very minimum amount of training. Like a couple of takeoffs and landings. Talk about dangerous.

As well,
Quote: Good for the company too, means that their payrate doesn't increase quite as rapidly as it could have
doesn't take into account that these guys could be making the company lots of money, by flying, instead of making the company NO money, by sitting in a classroom.
Quote: ...What is a ND?
ND = Near Deads

A term of endearment for those pilots over Age 60 who continue to work/fly/sit reserve.
Quote: According to what I heard over at the school house, the FAA stepped in and said they had to go through the long course. Something about once you train off the jet you are no longer eligible for the short course upgrade. $.02 worth.
NWA guys have been dual qualified before. Not sur eif they still do that or not...
Quote: ND = Near Deads

A term of endearment for those pilots over Age 60 who continue to work/fly/sit reserve.
I still like PP = Purple Prunes
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