FDX-Vacation buy back

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I know that some have extenuating circumstances, etc., etc. But man, if we ever learn to use the leverage we do have, we might hurt ourselves! And the 777 guys, BZ to all of you.

MD11 CAP LAX - 6
MD11 F/O LAX - 6
MD11 CAP ANC - 10
MD11 F/O ANc - 8
MD11 CAP MEM - 30
MD11 F/O MEM - 20
B757 F/O MEM - 16
Airbus F/O MEM - 12
B777 CAP - ALL
B777 F/O - ALL
Vacation buy back lanyards! I heard there is a line around the corner for them. Especially the ones with "777 buy back" on them...
I don't recall seeing an FCIF in the past announcing the number of vacation slots bought by the company. Is this their way of gloating? A little jab about our solidarity on the eve of our contracts amendable date?

Um, yeah, if anyone thinks we don't have leverage read and memorize the last line of that FCIF.

"This will be corected in time for the December buyback."

They can misspell "corrected" in the FCIF while they admit that they will be buying back in December as well.

Yep, those 4.a.2.b memories must be short indeed.

No need to get that "corrected" in the contract. Nope, none at all.
GWOE does not apply to ACPs and FCIFs.

" We apologize for any confusion his may have caused ... will be corected.."
However, the senior pilots that can hold Nov, and Dec vacations really were not affected by 4a2BS. They flew their long carry over trips, and are now helping us all once again by selling their a** away.

Another example of that old Confucius saying: Not one of us is as dumb as all of us!
Quote: Another example of that old Confucius saying: Not one of us is as dumb as all of us!
Hey, I need it to work on my high 5. I assume nobody has a problem with that.
Quote: Hey, I need it to work on my high 5. I assume nobody has a problem with that.
As individuals, everybody is working on something; houses, vacation houses, divorce makeup prgram, new airplane, boats, lambos, fill in the blank. As a pilot group, we are supposed to be currently working on something as well, or so I thought.
Quote: As individuals, everybody is working on something; houses, vacation houses, divorce makeup prgram, new airplane, boats, lambos, fill in the blank. As a pilot group, we are supposed to be currently working on something as well, or so I thought.
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