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rickair7777 08-24-2021 06:30 AM

IR observing that delta is trending downwards with boosters, a few weeks into the program.

IR's economy is open, no lockdowns.

Excargodog 08-24-2021 06:46 AM

Originally Posted by rickair7777 (Post 3284171)
IR observing that delta is trending downwards with boosters, a few weeks into the program.

IR's economy is open, no lockdowns.

According to current stats, boosters give at best a five fold decrease in new cases in those who have received them, which is good I’d admit, but they’ve been giving them less than a month now (since 30 July) The fact that 20-25% of people are STILL getting infected/reinfected within LESS THAN a month after getting a third booster pretty much guarantees that we have at present NO MECHANISM TO EVER eliminate COVID.

Ultimately, it seems like everybody is going to get it - albeit a tamer version if you’ve already been faxed or previously infected - and many of those at highest risk are going to die of it. Society may just have to accept that as the price of doing business. Even the draconian lockdowns in Australia and New Zealand seem unlikely to stop the delta variant.

Mesabah 08-24-2021 06:51 AM

Originally Posted by rickair7777 (Post 3284171)
IR observing that delta is trending downwards with boosters, a few weeks into the program.

IR's economy is open, no lockdowns.

More than 50 Au/ml appears to be the scientific consensus on the antibody levels required for neutralization. With antibody half lives of 10 weeks for Covid, the booster extends out to 50 weeks(5 lives), vs the original dosage of 30 weeks(3 lives).

skywatch 08-24-2021 08:27 AM

Originally Posted by rickair7777 (Post 3284171)
IR observing that delta is trending downwards with boosters, a few weeks into the program.

IR's economy is open, no lockdowns.

Cause or correlation? I don't see anything in the article with number of actual boosters given. In fact, it says "About a million of Israel's 9.3 million population have so far chosen not to vaccinate at all and children under 12 are still not eligible for the shots."

Excargodog 08-24-2021 08:41 AM

rickair7777 08-24-2021 08:49 AM

Originally Posted by skywatch (Post 3284233)
Cause or correlation? I don't see anything in the article with number of actual boosters given. In fact, it says "About a million of Israel's 9.3 million population have so far chosen not to vaccinate at all and children under 12 are still not eligible for the shots."

IR is about 70% vaccinated, that's better than most places.

Causation vs. Correlation isn't definitive yet but it looks pretty likely. It should be obvious in a few weeks one way or the other, contrasted with other places with low vaccination rates and no boosters.

Fauci thinks the US could control delta by next spring with boosters. FWTW.

Nantonaku 08-24-2021 01:03 PM

Originally Posted by rickair7777 (Post 3284248)
IR is about 70% vaccinated, that's better than most places.

Causation vs. Correlation isn't definitive yet but it looks pretty likely. It should be obvious in a few weeks one way or the other, contrasted with other places with low vaccination rates and no boosters.

Fauci thinks the US could control delta by next spring with boosters. FWTW.

He hasn't gotten much right during this pandemic. Does he really think people are going to vaccine their kids at a high enough rate to make any difference at all? Public health policy has a huge credibility issue right now in the US. Until he acknowledges the role previous infection has in giving people immunity he is really just a joke. "The Great Influenza" goes into detail on lessons public health experts learned through the flu pandemic. Fauci continuously breaks all the points Barry points out on how to not handle a pandemic. I know Barry was critical of Trump at the beginning of this pandemic but I'd love to hear his take on Fauci.

Red Forman 08-24-2021 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by rickair7777 (Post 3284248)
IR is about 70% vaccinated, that's better than most places.

Causation vs. Correlation isn't definitive yet but it looks pretty likely. It should be obvious in a few weeks one way or the other, contrasted with other places with low vaccination rates and no boosters.

Fauci thinks the US could control delta by next spring with boosters. FWTW.

Fauci’s opinion on anything at this point is completely irrelevant.

GeeWizDriver 08-24-2021 02:48 PM

Interesting summary on vaccine effectiveness and the headlong rush to boosters.

Excargodog 08-24-2021 02:48 PM

Originally Posted by Red Forman (Post 3284382)
Fauci’s opinion on anything at this point is completely irrelevant.

Not to everyone. Some have an actual aversion to admitted liars.

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